Wednesday 20 July 2016

A Brief History Regarding The LED Light Bulb

Most people believe that the LED light bulb is a relatively new innovation. However it may come as huge surprise to discover that in fact these types of lights were actually invented more than a century ago.

The first kinds of light emitting diode (LED) bulbs invented were only able to emit a very dim yellow light. They weren't actually able to emit the kind of bright light that the ones available today can.

Around 1907 in the laboratories of Marconi experiments were being carried out using semiconductors to see what they were capable of doing. During just one such experiment being carried out by Henry J Round it was discovered that the junction of semiconductor had the ability to produce light. But during his experiments he used silicon carbide and as the light emitted was so dim they thought using semiconductors in this way was futile. In turn this resulted in them deciding that further studies would not be required.

At about the same time however a number of similar experiments were being carried out in Germany and Russia. Then in 1920, Oleg Vladimirovich Losev successfully produced the first light emitting diode. However because his work didn't get the international acclaim he thought it would what he had created went pretty much unnoticed.

Then in 1936 a breakthrough occurred when a paper written by George Destriau on experiments with Zinc Sulphide powder was published. His concept of electroluminescence gained acclaim around the world after he detected light when an electric current was passed through the zinc sulphur powder during an experiment.

This particular phenomenon was then subjected to a great deal of research and further experiments during the latter part of the 20th Century. It was then in the 1950's that British Scientists developed the very first infrared LED light bulb. In the experiments used to create such the semi conductor known as Gallium Arsenide was used. Development of this type of LED light bulb was in its infant stages and in order to produce light at room temperature a great deal of effort was needed. Furthermore all the LED lamps developed during this time would have to be immersed in liquid nitrogen when being operated.

Further experimentation took place and then in 1962 a research specialist for GEC (General Electric Company) by the name of Nick Holonyak Jr was able to produce a red light that turned out to be the first visible spectrum light. It was this discovery that helped to change the way LEDs were looked at. It was his experiments that helped him to then become known as the father of LEDs. But it wasn't only him but also one of his students (M George Craford) who was working on such. M George Craford first created an LED light bulb that emitted yellow light before then in 1972 coming up with ones that were able to emit light in red and red/orange colors.

So really as you can see from above the creation of the LED light bulb is something that should be taken lightly.

For more information on Ai LED light bulb, pls visit Ai LED lamps

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