Wednesday 9 October 2013

Creating A Brighter Home With LED Lighting

Want state of the art LED lighting for your residence? If so then this piece of writing will facilitate to let you know you regarding the numerous advantages to be attained from fixing high power LED lights in your residence. In addition to being very powerful these may help to put aside money on your lighting costs and even assists to conserve the nature.

With the skyrocketing energy costs, people are constantly looking for ways to limit energy consumption. Today, one of the most intelligent and efficient forms of commercial and residential lighting available is LED lighting.

There are various advantages that come with such lighting, contributing to its increasing popularity. More to its durable bulbs that produce far brighter light, it is environment-friendly and efficient. These are among the reasons why it now illuminates many homes, and major streets, landmarks and buildings.

What is a LED Lighting?

LED, which means Light Emitting Diode, is a device that converts electricity into light. They have actually been existing since the 1960. Unlike the conventional bulbs, LED lights do not need a filament to generate light. The diodes are the LED lighting's sources of power. The diodes have a diameter of about 1/4 inch, and each only consumes about ten milliamps of electricity to generate light at about a tenth of a watt. Since LED are small in size, they are grouped together for higher intensity light requirements. They operate and generate white light using the powe generated by the motion of electrons.

Today, LED lighting is available in a number of efficiencies. For residential purposes, LED lights that are about 20 lumens/watt would suffice. LED lights that are as much as 160 watt are also now being developed.

LED lighting bulbs have become more and more popular in the lighting industry for various reasons, including the following:

Energy Saver Light Bulbs

While the energy costs are constantly increasing, it is no wonder why more and more people are turning to LED lighting. This light solution does not require as much amount of energy that the traditional bulbs require to produce light.

LED light bulbs produce light in a process called electroluminescence. This method eliminates or reduces the amount of energy that traditional bulbs waste when producing light. Moreover, since LED light's structure is less than the conventional bulbs, it does not require the same amount of wattage that conventional bulbs require to generate the same amount of illumination. This translates to a significant decrease in energy consumption and electric bills.

Durability or Longer Lifespan

Compared to other lighting sources, LED light bulbs generally have a longer lifespan. Depending current settings, it can last up to 100,000 hours more than other lighting alternatives. This is because this lighting solution usually does not have burning filaments, shortening wicks, or consumable vapors.

Moreover, since LED light bulbs do not have any moving parts, LED bulbs are more resistant to vibrations and shocks. They are also generally tougher than other bulbs, making it the most durable source of light.

Faster Switching

While incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs generate light through superheating, LED lighting does not. It generates light as soon as electricity is transmitted to the chip. This makes switching on and off of LED lights faster than other lighting alternatives. In a matter of less than a second, it can generate full brightness.

Environment-Friendly and Safe

Best of all, unlike fluorescent lamps, it does not contain Mercury vapor that is toxic not only to humans but to other life forms as well. This makes LED lighting a lot safer than fluorescent bulbs.

For more information on LED Light bulbs, pls visit LED Lighting Manufacturer and

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